The Darash Chai Experiment
The Darash Chai Experiment
Aaron Bishop

In the beginning there were two trees in the Garden of Eden. One, a tree that brought life. The other, a tree that brought death. The serpent showed up and placed the focus of mankind on the tree that brought death. Is it possible that we as a race have been focusing on the wrong tree. We talk about good and evil, right and wrong. We discuss what is moral and what is immoral. All of these questions, however, were on the tree that brought death. Perhaps it is time to shift our focus. To stop looking to the tree of death by asking the question of good and evil. Rather, let's start asking the question of life and death. If we can shift our assumptions on this most basic of questions, we can change our entire paradigm. If we change our paradigm, we can change the world. What will be the result? I do not know, but you are invited to come along and join us as we Seek Life.

Also, Check out the Bishop’s Blurb. A short-form Bible teaching series that covers single topics quickly.

Episode Listing

  • S3 E06: The Battle of Matza – Joshua 6

    The battle for Jericho is one of the more memorable stories in the Bible. The armies of God march around a city and in the end the wall fall down and Israel is able to defeat the first city of Canaan without any sort of opposition. Most people are at least passingly familiar with this story. But when we dig into the story in the context of the narrative, and in the context of scripture, there are several things that are revealed that shed a new light on this old story.

  • S3 E05: Doing what was Left Undone – Joshua 5

    The first thing that Israel does after crossing the Jordan is to engage in a practice that would leave them in physical pain and vulnerable to attack. This cutting of the flesh is then followed up by a memorial festival of Passover. The reason that these steps are necessary might seem shocking, but let’s just say that Israel in the wilderness was not as faithful to God’s commands as we might think. Even this second generation had left things undone, and that needed to be remedied.

  • S3 E04: A Miracle Memorial – Joshua 4

    While Israel is still crossing the Jordan, God asks Joshua to build something. A memorial to the event that is currently happening in the narrative. Just one of many memorials that we find being commanded in the Bible. Why is it that God commands people to create and enact memorials? Because we are human, and we trust our senses of the current world more than we trust our memories of what God has done. And a memorial bridges the gap to act as a current physical reminder of that past to propel us forward into the unknown.

  • S3 E03: Drawing Closer – Joshua 3

    The time has come for Israel to cross the Jordan river into the land of Canaan. Normally this would not be a great undertaking, until you consider the size of the Israeli army, and that it was flood season for the Jordan. There was no reasonable way to get the army across the river. That is, until God intervened. He had parted the water before, and He does so again in spectacular fashion. But that is just the setting of this narrative. There is something more going on here, just below the surface. Pun fully intended.

  • S3 E02: A Tale of Twos – Joshua 2

    Before the conquest begins, Joshua sends two spies into Jericho. While in the city, these spies encounter a woman who engaged in an inherently sinful profession. And in this woman we find a microcosm of the larger story at play in the book of Joshua. Two forces. Two leaders. Two nations. Two Spies. And one woman with two lives. It is in this contrast of twos that we find the second step on the journey toward the inheritance.

  • S3 E01: A Call to Faith– Joshua 1

    The book of Joshua is often seen as a book of history in the modern world. Simply a recounting of historical facts with little theological implications to be drawn from it. But in the Jewish tradition, Joshua is a book of prophecy. It is a book with a revelation to the people of God. As such, it contains a message that is applicable today. As such, it contains a pattern. A pattern that culminates in inheritance, but it begins with a call to faith.

  • S2 E32: Rebuke, Repentance, and Restoration– Job 40-42

    The final chapters of Job include one of the more fascinating depictions in the Bible. Two grand creatures that appear out of mythology and onto the pages of scripture. It is extremely easy, while in these last chapters, to get distracted by the Behemoth and Leviathan and miss the concepts that are present in the last chapter. Concepts that are meant to be central to the life of every believer in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

  • S2 E31: Where Were You?– Job 38-39

    God finally speaks. Job has asked for this moment. He has wished for a chance to make his case before God, and God has responded. The response Job gets, however, is not what anyone was expecting. Rather than receiving an answer to suffering, Job is simply presented a host of unanswerable questions.

  • S2 E30: The Nuance of Hypocrisy– Job 35-37

    As Elihu ends his speech much of what he has to say sounds good. In fact, vast portions of his speech are repeated in the upcoming chapters by God Himself. And yet, when God arrives on the scene He accuses Elihu of being without knowledge and of dark speech. What is it in this speech that is so far off from the truth? Well, Elihu reveals something about himself in these closing chapters. He reveals a double-minded nature that is so easy to fall into. Fortunately we have this example to look at so that we can avoid making the same trap.

  • S2 E29: God in a Box– Job 32-34

    Job’s friends have finished their arguments. Job has finally laid to rest his defense. Out of nowhere comes a zealous young man who feels it is his duty to defend God from Job’s assertions. There is a problem. Elihu’s certainty of how God is capable of acting blinds him of how God has actually acted. This is a trap that anyone and everyone can and likely has fallen into, and when we do so, we do this to our own detriment.