After many years of hard work, I have completed my first book. This book has been a project of love. It began with a reprint of a 16th century haggadah that I picked up at a used book store for my first Passover. It was foreign, it was awkward, and it was beautiful. Over the years I continued to use this haggadah as I edited it to add the Messiah in and make Him the centerpiece, as well as streamlining it down into a manageable length. During this process came the concept for a book. One that would explore Passover in its scriptural, cultural, and historical settings, as well as digging in to the role Jesus played as He fulfilled Passover in His ministry, death, burial, and resurrection. The fact is that if you are a believer in the God of the Bible and Jesus the Messiah, then this book and Passover is for you.

The story of Passover is one of the oldest and best known stories in the world. It is an ancient story of redemption that captures the imagination like no other. The simple fact is that most people are at least passingly familiar with the Passover narrative. We see it in movies and read of it in the Bible. There are many Christians who keep the memorial of Passover yearly and take part in reliving the journey with Israel. Paul says that Jesus is our Passover, but what does this mean? While this story is well known, few have truly plumbed the depths of this special time. Come along on a journey into the underlying cultural, historical, scriptural, and symbolic beauty of this festival and discover your own part in the Passover story.
PURCHASE NOWThe Power of Passover: Haggadah
When you first decide to memorialize Passover it can be challenging to know what to do. Do you just eat a meal and read a few scriptures? What elements should be present? Wouldn’t it be great to have a guide that will take you through your own Passover journey? Fortunately for us, these questions were asked and solved centuries ago, and thus the haggadah, “the telling,” was created. Simply put, a haggadah is an order of service that leads a group in the Passover memorial meal. This haggadah is based on a 16th century that has been edited over the course of seven years adding Jesus into His rightful place as the centerpiece of Passover and streamlining it into a concise and meaningful experience that can guide your own Passover memorial.
The Power of Passover: Seder Participant Response Handout
In the Power of Passover: Haggadah there are times where the participants in the Seder are mean to respond communally. If you are hosting a Passover Seder using the Power of Passover: Haggadah but have not purchased a haggadah for everyone do not despair. Simply download and print this Participant Response Handout for each person at your event.
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