Welcome to Darash Chai

In the beginning there were two trees in the Garden of Eden.  One, a tree that brought life.  The other, a tree that brought death.  The serpent showed up and placed the focus of mankind on the tree that brought death.  Is it possible that we as a race have been focusing on the wrong tree.  We talk about good and evil, right and wrong.  We discuss what is moral and what is immoral.  All of these questions, however, were on the tree that brought death.

Perhaps it is time to shift our focus.  To stop looking to the tree of death by asking the question of good and evil.  Rather, let’s start asking the question of life and death.  If we can shift our assumptions on this most basic of questions, we can change our entire paradigm.  If we change our paradigm, we can change the world.  

What will be the result?  I do not know, but you are invited to come along and join us as we Seek Life.

Latest Episode

  • S3 E16 – To Whom Much is Given – Joshua 16 – 17

    After the tribe of Judah has been given their inheritance the next in line are the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. The sons of Joseph who were adopted by Jacob. When these tribes are given their allotments thought there is a huge discrepancy. Ephraim only gets one allotment while Manasseh receives 10! Why is it that Manasseh receives 10x the land while having less that 2x the people, and what must Ephraim do in order to gain more room for growth?

Patterns Bible

The Patterns Bible is a resource that will reveal the literary patterns contained within the text of the Bible. This resource has been in the works for over 3 years and is only now being brought to the public. Click here to learn more…


Join us as we go through the Bible and examine it from the point of view of life vs. death in our weekly podcast, The Darash Chai Experiment.  We can’t promise that we will always be right in our conclusions, but we can promise that you will always be made to think.  Listen Here


SWAP is a yearly clothing drive that is organized and run by Darash Chai. With this event we gather gently used clothing from donations and then host a three day event where anyone can stop in and get new clothes for free. Click here to learn more…