The Darash Chai Experiment
The Darash Chai Experiment
Aaron Bishop

In the beginning there were two trees in the Garden of Eden. One, a tree that brought life. The other, a tree that brought death. The serpent showed up and placed the focus of mankind on the tree that brought death. Is it possible that we as a race have been focusing on the wrong tree. We talk about good and evil, right and wrong. We discuss what is moral and what is immoral. All of these questions, however, were on the tree that brought death. Perhaps it is time to shift our focus. To stop looking to the tree of death by asking the question of good and evil. Rather, let's start asking the question of life and death. If we can shift our assumptions on this most basic of questions, we can change our entire paradigm. If we change our paradigm, we can change the world. What will be the result? I do not know, but you are invited to come along and join us as we Seek Life.

Also, Check out the Bishop’s Blurb. A short-form Bible teaching series that covers single topics quickly.

Episode Listing

  • S3 E16 – To Whom Much is Given – Joshua 16 – 17

    After the tribe of Judah has been given their inheritance the next in line are the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. The sons of Joseph who were adopted by Jacob. When these tribes are given their allotments thought there is a huge discrepancy. Ephraim only gets one allotment while Manasseh receives 10! Why is it that Manasseh receives 10x the land while having less that 2x the people, and what must Ephraim do in order to gain more room for growth?

  • S3 E15 – Seeking More – Joshua 15

    As we begin to read the chapters of Joshua that deal with the dividing of the land to the various tribes, it is easy to simply check out and seek to move on to more exciting texts. But if we were to do this we would miss out on the simple story that is featured in the midst of these lists. The story of Caleb’s tribal brother. A man who is also a son of Kenaz. A Gentile for all intents and purposes. And this gentile is rewarded with status and honor for his feat of prowess, but the reward is not enough to sustain life. More is required and so more is requested.

  • S3 E14 – The Faith to Claim Mountains – Joshua 14

    In Numbers 13 and 14 we read of the faith of Joshua and Caleb when they reported on their scouting trip to Canaan. Despite their faith, Israel reacted in fear to the report of the spies and that generation was prevented from entering the land. Forty-five years later, Israel is in the land and the time has come for Caleb to get his reward. But as we consider the reward that was granted to Caleb we discover that there was more going on than we might expect.

  • S3 E13 – Settling for Less – Joshua 13

    With the fighting over and Israel now firmly ensconced in the land of Canaan, we are introduced to a problem. Not all of the enemy was driven out of the land. And not all of the land was settled. This issue becomes a problem for Israel in the centuries that follow, and this chapter hints at, not just the problem, but also at the reason for the problem.

  • S3 E12 – The Ultimate Conquest – Joshua 12

    This short pivotal chapter that takes up the prime real estate of the middle of the book is perhaps one of the most boring of the book. This chapter features simply a list of names of the kings that Israel had conquered up to this point. But while this chapter is short and repetitive, there is a principle that is hinted at that explodes this book wide open. Especially when we compare it to the other book at the other end of the wilderness. The book of Exodus.

  • S3 E11 – Justice and Love – Joshua 11

    The book of Joshua is often derided as presenting a God who is unloving and vengeful. These remarks often come from people who want a God who is all love. One who would never judge them or anyone else for wickedness or sin. But the Bible presents a different view of God from the one that the world wants. A God who is love, yes, but also a God who is Just. A God who will pay back evil deeds on those who persist in their evil without repentance.

  • S3 E10: Into the Fray – Joshua 10

    Joshua is often considered a book of conquest, and yet when you read Joshua you discover that only two chapters of the book contain any sort of prolonged warfare, and the first of these is chapter 10. Now, it is all too easy to be tempted to pull out maps and attempt to discern the various places and to read this chapter simply for its historical value, but when we get down to it, that doesn’t help us much. Instead, we need to use the book of Joshua as a guide. Because we are all in a war at all times. A spiritual war for the very lives of men. And when we examine Joshua from the viewpoint of what we can learn when fighting this war, we discover that there are many truths presented here that we can use even today.

  • S3 E09: Unequally Yoked – Joshua 8:30-9:27

    The idea of covenant is central recurring themes of Scripture. From the covenants with Noah, Abraham, and David, to the Old and New Covenants with Israel, covenants are found throughout. Every time that we find a covenant it is binding on all parties, and breaking the covenant comes with serious consequences. So what do you do when you are tricked into making a covenant with your enemy?

  • S3 E08: Tactics and Strategies – Joshua 8:1-29

    After the crushing defeat at Ai, and the removal of the offense from the camp of Israel, the army is now ready to attack this small fortress once a second time. But this time, rather than making the decision on how to attack Ai on their own, they consult God on the strategy to use, and from this we can learn a lot about how to wage our own battles.

  • S3 E07: A Recipe for Defeat – Joshua 7

    Just after the victory at Jericho, Israel presses on to their next target. A small fortress town called simply Ai. After what had happened in the first victory, this small town should pose no real threat. And yet, in their first encounter with this city, Israel is defeated and driven back. The reason that Israel loses is quite simple. Commands had been given regarding what was to be done with the plunder from Jericho, but one man got greedy and decided to take some for himself.