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All through the book of Exodus God has been revealing His name to the world. We have seen His reputation, authority, power, and more. But what is it that drives all of these other aspects of the Name of God? This week we find out. In this passage God calls out His character to Moses, and then acts within that character to renew the covenant that had been broken.

Ep073: Before the Face of God – Exodus 33:11-34:26
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2 thoughts on “Ep073: Before the Face of God – Exodus 33:11-34:26

  1. Shalom Aaron

    have a short query. I was looking for the podcast that refers to the 7 spirits of God from Torahnot the Prophets. I have a memory albeit short & incomplete at timesthat you referred to it in your podcasts somewhere in the 70′ s range. I am going through them to find the reference again to share with some folks.Hope you can point me closer. Blessings of Messiah’s mercy & majesty to you your family & ministry. Shalom FJ

    1. In Episode 71 I talk about the spirits of widsdom, understanding, and knowledge that Betsalel and Oholiav were given to accomplish the construction of the tabernacle, and I point out how these are three of the spirits of God listed in Isaiah 11.

      In Episode 65 & 75 I use Revelation 1 and Zechariah 4 to demonstrate that the menorah in the tabernacle is representative of the 7 spirits of God that are listed in Isaiah 11.

      I hope this helps.

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